Using Rope or Ropemacs with Python Virtualenv

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 /_/ \_\_|_|_|_xxxx/__/xxx|xxxx/|_.__/__/xxxx/_xxxx|xxx\___\___|\__|
                                                   In Glorious ASCII-VISION

2011-04-17 Sun Using Rope or Ropemacs with Python Virtualenv

To make Rope use the libraries in your virtualenv: edit in the .ropeproject directory (in the Rope project you want to set this up for) and add the following lines at the top of the "set_prefs" function:

VIRTUAL_ENV = "/home/yourname/envs/envname/"
execfile(ACTIVATE_FILE, dict(__file__=ACTIVATE_FILE))

Simple :)

< made in Org-mode >
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Date: 2011-08-07 11:20:42 BST

Author: Thomas Parslow

Org version 7.5 with Emacs version 23

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